Yep he is SIX MONTHS today!

It's gonna be a short post. Brody has his Dr. appt. on Monday so no stats. But we've had a crazy week. Lance possibly broke his foot playing basketball with the YM at mutual on Tuesday. So this evening we have an appt. with a pediatrist and we will see what gonna happen. So I will post more on our little Brod later!
I can't believe he is already 6 months, crazy! But then again, he's been big enough to be a 6 month old for like 3 months, or is just that my kids are shrimpy?... I dunno. :) Hope Lance's foot is okay, poor guy! By the way, we are so lame, how come we never hang out? Let's start getting together or something!
look at that chubby baby! how cute is he! I think Carson is headed right that way..he's already over 13 pounds and he's only 7 weeks! man
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