Then, this last weekend Becca & Scott brought their two cute girlies down to play. Brody loved having Mariah to play with. We went to Bisbee, ate yummy pizza & looked in the antique shops. I really wanted this cute airplane for the boys room, but when the price was $250 I figure I could pass it up. Jett was a good little boy & hung out in his stroller the whole time.
On Monday, Lance was lucky to have the day off. So he got the tractor & took it out to our land to clear the brush & some trees. Him & Brody worked all morning, so Jett & I brought out some subs & ate lunch with them. Hopefully this week they will be able to prep everything for the concrete!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
This Week
Monday, March 26, 2012
Silly Faces
Oh the nostrils, there not my fault.
This is the silliest I could get from Jett, but don't let that face fool you.
love my Bo.
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Latest & Greatest
Here is the book made on
Feb. 18th we decided to get out, rather than spend our Saturday at home. We headed out to a place in the's called Cochise Stronghold. But anyway, we made a fire, roasted hot dogs, went on a few quad rides, & shot the guns. The boys played in the dirt & had a blast. Brody shooting the gun
& Ollie shooting.
Our monkey in the tree.
Here are the boys digging in the hole. At this point I think they were baking cookies. Silly boys.
We've been spending a ton of time outside, especially at lunch time. We eat a lot of bean burros or mac n cheese.
A little update on all of us...
Brody: Brody had a couple of rough weeks. It was hard for him to sit still in primary, be nice to the other kids, not spitting, the list goes on. Now that he has permanent teachers who are amazing, he is doing a great job. Last week the president told me he wanted to help in singing time. She said, "if you sit quietly & fold your arms, then you might get chosen." So he did. The chorister pulled a name out of the bucket & it happened to be Brody's. He was so excited & told his teacher, "I'm going to fold my arms more often." He is really starting to understand & becoming a great listener. He still has tons of energy, but now knows how to contain it at times. I remember looking at other families with kids that just colored or read books during Sacrament meeting, never thinking I'd have that. Well, Sunday was the first time we didn't have to take Brody out & he colored & played with stickers the whole time. He really is a great boy & is excited to go to school when he is 5.
Jett: AKA Monkey. Yep, that's his new nickname. He is just that, so silly. He still doesn't say much, but we're learning to communicate. We're down to just one bottle at bedtime & off of formula completely. Right after we took him off formula, we put him on Lactose free milk & now we are moving to Rice milk. The reason being, is because he is lactose sensitive. Which I hope he grows out of. A cup of milk will make him throw up. But if he has just a little, it irritates his stomach & he is in pain. It's so sad. The littlest bit of ice cream irritates his tummy. He loves to play outside ALL day. There are times where the boys will be outside for an hour or 2 & I haven't heard from them. They are just so happy outside. Jett is taking only 1- 2 1/2 hr. nap a day. Which is nice if we're running errands or really busy. He can climb up & down the stairs & makes a fantastic car engine noise. I rock him to sleep at nap time, which we both love. Basically he is just the easiest baby.....I mean toddler ever.
Lance: Mr. Workaholic. At the beginning of the year we merged with a asphalt company, which has been 2 years in the making. So we not only do striping, thermoplastic & seal now, but also chip seal & asphalt. So being co-owner has been nice for us. When we go to Mesa or on vacation we know the company is in good hands. But Lance is now twice as busy, which I take for granite most of the time. It has taught me to not be such a whiner, when Lance leaves at 4am & gets home at 6 or 7pm. But I love that he has been getting his Saturdays to be with us. We just recently got our plans & permits to start building our house, which we are ecstatic about! So hopefully Lance can get out there soon to start clearing the brush!
Chelsea: When my babies get to 10 months to a year, I start feeling like myself again. Which has been great. I feel like I can take more time for myself & not feel guilty. I've been keeping busy lately by doing some major spring cleaning, playing on pinterest, planning to decorate a house for the first time, learning the uses of essential oils & becoming a slight health nut. Ok, the last one is a little far fetch, I just find it interesting to read about how our bodies work & what food can do for you or how it can hurt you. The picture is of Brody & Jett playing in our entry closet as I cleaned it out. Since I found out that we would be building, I've been itching to clean, organize, & box up things we aren't using now. So, starting from the top of the house to the bottom, I've cleaned out, re organized, or boxed up everything. So, we'll be have a major garage sale sometime in the summer to get rid of tons of stuff!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
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