Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Ella

Yesterday my brother Bret and his amazing wife Amy welcomed their baby girl Ella here, but then to have her taken back to our heavenly Father a few hours later. Thank you for all of the prayers that are being offered in Bret and Amy's behalf. Please go to Amy's sister's blog
to read more on their story, see a precious tribute picture and if all possible make a contribution to help this young couple pay for funeral expenses.

Thank you everyone, it's much appreciated during this tough time.


The Sorensens. said...

sadest :( I work w/ Kierstie Larsen (Amys sister in law) crazy - i didnt know that she's married to your brother, small world.

praying for their family.

Anonymous said...

well this is cousin lee well glad all your family is doing well, say what up to lance for me

Family and Friends