Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I thought that this would be a fun post, to think of all the nicknames family and friends give you!
David Lance Clawson
Lancer, Lawrence, Lancey, daveed(spanish), Lance-Lot-Link, Sexy Husband(OK that's only from me, haha), Wancy, Lancey-poo
Chelsea Standage Clawson
Chels, Tessie Mae, Chestnut, Celsius, Cheltsea, Shultsee
David Brody Clawson
Bo-dy, Bo Bo, Little Man, Baby Gee Gee, Brody Man, Brod, Bode, Sweet Pea, Stinky
Try it!!!


Gina Lee said...

You forgot Lancy-poo! haha. Thats what I always called him!

The Clawson's said...

Oh me too!haha! Thanks Gina!

Stu and Angie Milne said...

haha cute! i love the "cheltsea" please tell me you say it with a deep irish accent! i think i always call you chels...

Kacey's View said...

Cheltsea! haha k I just looked at my work schedule and we have 2 weddings on the 29th! So.. that isn't going to work. What about the 30th? Either early in the morning before it gets hot or around 5? We are going to make this work!

Kara said...

Cute post! I love to hear all the fun nicknames...and I often call Jadyn "stinky" too, hmmm, I wonder if it has to do with the diaper thing???

Family and Friends