It's been a busy couple of weeks, from driving to Mesa for weddings, to Lance taking YM to Thatcher for cultural event practices. But it's true, your happy when your busy! Here is a quick run down of what has been going on.

I had a lady come over for a hair cut, when I opened the door she told me there was a snake...I thought she was joking and pointing to the hose. But then she pointed out that bad boy. Yep, a rattle snake. Luckily Lance was home (cuz he never is anymore...haha) and killed it!

I've always wanted to learn about fondant cake and I finally got to. For a Relief Society Activity, we had a lady teach us and it was so fun. So don't make fun of it, it's my first!

I love sewing and lance got me a sewing machine for Christmas. So I really wanted to make an apron. It took me about 3 days and I gave it as a bridal shower gift.

Next is a little update on Brody. He is growing a ton, well taller. That's all he seems to grow, is up! Which I know Lance isn't complaining! haha. He is turning into a little talker. He is in that stage where he tries to copy words that you say! But his favorite thing to do is line up all of his cars. He does it so neatly! He has started to do it with everything, shoes, animals, and blocks. We love this little boy, he is SO fun to have around!